Our technical sales representatives study your needs and define the best technical solution. 3D design is conducted by our engineering team.
Your equipment is designed and assembled in our workshop. Everything is thought through in order to optimise the installation of our modular pre-assembled solutions and to allow quick set-up.
Our specialists carry out analysis of effluents to be treated in our laboratory and prepare trial tests which can be conducted at ExoCell factory or on-site.
Remote monitoring allows us to anticipate and secure your process.
Innovation is truly a part of ExoCell’s DNA which spends a great part of its resources in Research and Development. We wish to develop our supply of innovative, self-driving and modular equipment to answer the economic and environmental needs to meet the expectations of our clients. Our technology has evolved thanks to 25 years’ experience working for the major water treatment players, the analysis of hundreds of scientific studies and a special attention given to the expectation of industrial companies.
For the monitoring of your plant.
ExoCell brings you a real technical expertise to optimise the performance of your equipment.