Filtration treatments make the water usable directly in your processes.
To make it usable, the water is filtered more finely with a mechanical filter, sand filtration or by microfiltration and reverse osmosis.
To complete our range of products, we identify the products of market specialists that are most suitable for you.
Once the physical-chemical or biological treatments have been carried out, the water separated from the sludge can be discharged into the natural environment or into a treatment plant, in accordance with the rules that apply to you.
By improving the efficiency of the treatment, the taxes applied can be reduced.
Pre-treatment (screening, sieves, etc.) is used to retain coarse suspended matter before biological or chemical treatment.
To complete our range of products, we identify the products of market specialists that are most suitable for you.
Finishing treatments allow water to be recycled and reused.
To enable recycling, the treated water is filtered more finely with a mechanical filter, sand filtration or microfiltration and reverse osmosis.
To complete our range of products, we identify the products from the market specialists that are most suitable for you.